Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reading 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens By: Sean Covey: Pages 58-102

    In this section the book explains about the personal bank account. It's not referring to an actual bank account, but to how one feels about themselves. One who has a low PBA caves into peer pressure easily, feels inferior, alwyas cares what those around them think about them, suffers with temptations, and is arrogant. While those who have high PBA stand up for themselves, see life positively, are goal driven, and are happy for the success of others. The first step it says to increase one's PBA is make promises to yourself. Friends sometimes will let you down when it comes to fulfilling a promise they have made, and one's self also breaks promises to them self. Eventually, one begins to distrust them self. The solution is to keep the promises to yourself, and that way you will accomplish more of your goals. Another step is to do small acts of kindness. This action will help focus one's attention outwards instead of inwards.  Another requirement is to be honest. Honesty really is key, for if one is dishonest, lies will just continue and continue to build up until one is in "debt."
    The next section discusses the habit number 1 of being proactive. It begins with describing the differenece between being  proactive and reactive. People that are proactive enjoy their lives and live on through their troubles,while those that are reactive are responsive to every little detail and become upset very easily. People who are proactive have a positive attitude and don't let other reactive people ruin their life. One's proactive or reactive lifestyle can easily be heard in the way they talk. Their language tells all, for reactive people will give excuses and over react towards situations, while proactive people are always looking for the best solutuion. The main way proactive people live successfully is by having a can do attitude, while at the same time having the ability to see the world from other than their point of view.
    This section was loaded with lots of very helpful information. I was enlightened greatly with the section about proactive people. I can definitely work on my proactiveness because I saw some character traits of mine that lie in bothe the reactive and proactive lifestyles. I also can think of prime examples for each group based off of my friends. I hope that this reading will truly alter the way I see life now. I definitely have been given a new perspective ob how I live my life, and I'm going to attempt to try and live a more proactive lifestyle.

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