On page 57, the point of view is told from Danny's perception and he is five years old. He's singing nursery rhymes and thinking of Jack and Jill Nursery School in Stovington, Colorado. He knows his dad doesn't have the money for nursery school now, so he does what is best for his parents (A very mature decision for a 5 year old if you ask me hahah) We learn that although Danny is only five, he is very grown up for his age, for he always knows what's going on with his parents, and other things, but they don't really believe him. Danny understands his parent's relationship, but he doesn't quite understand all of the things that his mother is worrying about. However, the main thing that Danny is worried about is divorce because Danny believes it is when your parents fight over you. Danny then goes into detail explaining that he can't think too hard or else he escapes reality. Such as the time when his parens were fighting at breakfast and Danny remembers coming back to them asking him what was the matter. That is when Danny informs the reader of his invisible playmate who his parents named Tony. In this frenzie, Danny explains that he had been inside the mind of Jack and had seen the word suicide, but he does not know what that means.
After Danny's flashback he hears Jack thinking about Watson and the Overlook and knows he got the job.
After he here's the thoughts Danny realizes that he sees Toby now. Toby shows Danny the words Poison, no swimming. Danger!Live wires. This property condemned. After that Danny is in a room and in the mirror sees the words REDRUM. Danny is terrified and Tony brings Danny back just intime to greet his father Jack as he arrives. Later, Jack is taking Danny to the grocerie store when he has a flashback. He recalls his teaching job going well, and he is thinking of buying a house, but then he sees his student slashing his tires. After a fight, the school asks Jack to resign. After this fit Jack proceeds into going into a very long and in depth flashback of the times he used to drink. To spare the length it basically consists of Jack binge drinking and then driving home mutiple times, and a near death crash. The last pages of 103-104 then conclude Jack's flashback with his pride in himself for stopping his drinking. His flashback is ended as his friend Al Shockley answers the phone.
This book is a very fast read and inserts small words that add the effect of an eerie presence of something to come in the future. Danny's friend Toby acts as a harbinger and foreshadows events that are to come in the future. Danny seems so innocent and so he is the perfect fit for a child about to be lured into the darkness of a father and their stay at an isolated hotel. Stephen King has greatly attracted my attention, and the plot of this book to me is well done.
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